September 29, 2007

The Bryan Vacation..

We traveled down to the Grand Canyon! If any of you have been there you know that this picture comes no where close to the real thing!! It's magnificent there!

Blaine made me VERY nervous next to the edge (to say the least) the cliff is right there and not much to hold you back!! And if you know how the little guy is, you would totally agree!!

I just took this one while we were waiting for our truck to get fixed, we needed a new muffler..

Well what can i say The Road Kill Cafe, this was Pauls choice..

We had a colonial apple farm tour, it was great..

The last few days we stayed with Pauls sis, my home away from home!! I had some other pics but my computer is being difficult!!

September 18, 2007

Blaine's Injury!!

Well this is Blaines first trip to the Emergency!! Suprisingly the first, for him!! He fell off a chair and cut a deep gash, i am shocked that he didn't get stitches, i thought only small cuts got the super glue?? But he is glued up and good to go!! So scarey when your little one is gushing blood and you can't rationally think!! Great for me that Paul was there, or else i would have been in big trouble, i had all the kids last night (8 of them total) Whew, thank you honey.

September 15, 2007

A quick jont away...

This was an old gold mining station... very cool to see this kind of stuff, especially with the kids..

I love the forced head turn!! So funny!!

Bri was trying to get her tooth out, which from the first photo you can see she accomplished that!!

Blaine never stops crackin me up!!

My little monkey baby!!!

I am so in love with my family!!! I love them soooo much!!

This was a great train museum in Portola.